Stanzaic Life of Christ, da Harley MS. 3909, Higden’s Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea, righe da 6601 a 6668, 1300-1399, Regno Unito. British Library, London.

Wiche wommon by-fore was
louet with Ihesu derworthely,
and in hym fonde godenesse and grace,
Veronica heght ho weterly,—

And asket hir of swete Ihesu.
thenne criet ho, ‘alas! alas!’
and sayd that lord ful wel ho kn[e]w
that Pilate slogh witheouten trespas.

Wen Volusian herd of this,
that Crist was slayne that he so soht
woo he was forsothe i-wis
and thoght his gate ther seruet of noᵹght.

Thenne sayd Veronica to the knight
and bad hym be of god comford,
and sayde ho cowthe schew hym a sight
that schuld fully hele his lorde.

‘ffor when my lorde,’ sayde this wommon,
‘swete Ihesu, was her preching,
forto loke my lord opon
I hade a wonder grete likyng,

‘That what tyme so he wer away
that I might haue of hym no sight,
heuy I was that ilke day
and my hert might no-way be light.

‘So to a payntour forthe I went
hys ymage to paynt apertely,
that wat tyme Ihesu wer absent
I might haue a comfort therbi.

‘And as I went so theder-ward
to seche the payntour, sothe to say,
my lorde Ihesu come me to-warde
and asket whider I was in way.

‘When that I told hym myn entent
that to the payntour I wolde goo,
my keuerchaf of my hede he hent
and layde hit on hys visage tho.

‘Anone his liknesse verrayli
schowet hym on my waile oright,
glad and ioyful thenne was I
and thenket God with al my might.

Ther-fore ᵹif that thi lord may se
that ymage and that fayre lickenesse,
trowely therto trust may he
to be clene schwt of his sekenesse.’

Thenne was Volusian swithe glad
And asket whether hit might be boght
for any gold the emperour had,
and ho says, ‘nay, that might hit noght,

‘Saue onely with deuocion
And gode beleue in God al-might,
but to go with the I am boune
that ymage forto schew in sight.’

So Veronica forthe went
to Rome with that worthi knight
forto schewe with gode entent
that ymage, as ho had bihight.

When thay to Rome comen wer
the knyght went to the emp[er]our
and told his ernde fully enter,
of Ihesu Crist our sauiour,

How that Pilate hym had slayne
and the Iewes vnright-wisly,
but ᵹet one thyng to make hym fayne
he sayd he had ther al-redy.

‘With me is comen a matroun
that his ymage withe hir has broght,
thurgh seght of wicheche saluacioun
wold falle, ᵹif ᵹe wer trw of thoght.’

Alla riga 6609, qualcuno ha aggiunto “Volusian the messenger from the emperor to Pilate.” Alla riga 6652, la stessa persona ha scritto “Veronica the painter.”


Traduzione in inglese moderno di Mary-Catharine Carroll


Traduzione in italiano di Manu

Segnalato da Mary-Catharine Carroll




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